The first Healthy Teeth Workshop is delivered!
This session was hosted at the Market Harborough Family Hub and the room was set out as follows:
🦷 Dentist Role Play
🦷 Information table (which included free toothbrushes, paste, leaflets and reward charts)
🦷 How much sugar in drinks (visual aid)
🦷 An arts and craft
🦷 Tooth Brush Song (in tune of twinkle twinkle) and Storytime (Peppa Pig visits the Dentist)
🦷 The usual stay and play activities/games/toys which were teeth/dentist inspired
There was approx. 20 parents (awaiting final numbers)
The session was supported by the Oral Health Team who loaned some of the resources from the Oral Health Resource Catalogue-great example of partnership working.
More sessions are planned to be delivered across Leicestershire!
Calm, interesting, friendly, fun, informative, lovely song, helpful, reassuring, lovely ladies, practical.
Feedback from undertaking the Healthy Tots award
"Healthy Tots has impacted some changes in our daily routine; we now do a Funky Feet Session as part of our registration, to ensure that the children are up and raring to go actively each session. We are looking at how much sugar is being sent in in children's lunch boxes and raising awareness with the parents that even some of the items they think are a healthy option, actually contain a lot of sugar-like raisins. We have instigated cooking sessions with the children including making bread, as well as looked at where some of our favourite foods come from-and then made healthier options and made our own vegetable soup. We are also more present in the community in visiting the library, the peace gardens and the local churches. We are also taking part in the Christmas tree festival again this year. Our staff have also taken on some additional training with regards to asthma care as this physical condition is one that is increasingly becoming more common within the setting".