Other Early Years Resources

Key Safety Messages

Seasonal Events

At this time of year there are many different celebrations and events taking place so if if your setting is planning any of these...

Remember, remember…stay safe with fireworks

Despite annual safety warnings, firework celebrations still end in painful injuries for too many people, including very young children.

Yet fireworks can be great fun for families, not just around November 5 (Bonfire Night/Guy Fawkes Night), but also Diwali, New Year's Eve and Chinese New Year.

There is more information in the parents resources for you to read and share with parents.

Trading Standards and Office of Product Safety and Standards #nilbymouth campaign.

Aprils sees the month of key messages around items that can be very dangerous to children if swallowed, this include;

  • Button batteries
  • Magnets
  • Novelty soaps

For more information about this campaign please go to the parent and carers page. Below are some posters you can also display in your setting.

Trading Standards and Office of Product Safety and Standards #nilbymouth campaign.

Food Safety Advice on choking

The Food Standards Agency have issued some useful resources in the form of two posters which can be displayed in your setting where food is prepared and served to children, as a helpful reminder of how to minimise the risk of choking. Please access more information here.


Websites provide a range of advice for professionals on a range of topics. Here are some for you to visit.

  • Leicestershire County Council, Early Years: Visit this page to find a range if information for current practicing early years settings, from support for during coronavirus, SEND inclusion information, training and professional development, to a school readiness toolkit and more.

Early Years

  • Anna Freud - National Centre for Children and Families: On this webpage there is various support for professionals, ranging from coronavirus support, information about common difficulties and early years resources. Here you will find information on staff wellbeing along with health posters, information about attachment, tips for sharing concerns about a child and more.

Support for Early Years

Early years resources

Guidance Documents

  • Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust: LPT have pulled together some activity ideas and tips for speech, language and communication development.

Smoke Free Homes

Healthy Tots – Smoke free homes & cars resources for early years settings

Would you like to be part of a new and exciting project?

Healthy Tots, Healthy Schools and Quit Ready Leicestershire are planning work aimed at children/young people and their families to try and raise awareness of and reduce the impact of second-hand smoking in homes and cars.


We are aiming for resources to be available to coincide with 'Stoptober', a national campaign to encourage people to stop smoking and takes place in October every year. The resources can be used within PSHE or as stand-alone activities.

What resources will I receive?

The Jenny and the Bear resource centres around a story written by Linda Morris which is part of a coordinated programme by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and aims to increase awareness about the effects of second hand smoke on children and what parents/carers can do to ensure their children are not exposed to its harmful effects.
The programme is aimed at EYFS/ Year 1 classes and consists of a story being read to the children followed by an activity to agree a name for the bear in the story, with some discussion points about the story.
Settings will also receive a teddy bear with the Quit Ready logo on, which children can take turns to take home and record the adventures they have together. There will also be some monitoring and evaluation tools available to collate feedback and views from settings and families about the resources.

How do I sign up?

We are looking for expressions of interest from settings who would like to receive and use the resources. Please complete the below form.

* Required Field

Expression of Interest Form for Smoke Free Homes Project

EYFS/Key Stage 1 Resources